Building A Strong Immune System
Building a strong immune system is the best way of defining whether a person is strong or healthy. Muscles serve to shield our exterior from physical injury. The immune system serves to protect us internally. The like hood of getting a cold, stomach disorder, cancer and fighting infections is determined on how strong our immune system is. The key is to keep your diet natural as this means you will have more antioxidants, which will strengthen the immune functioning and increase our resistance to infections. In simple terms you are as stronger as your immune system. The main objective is to keep your nutrition intake consistent throughout the year and with every season. What you may find is during the winter season we tend to be prone to colds, sore throats because we tend to reduce our water intake due to temperature and exchange it to warm sugary drinks. Our activity levels may determine the amount of food and type of food we eat at certain time. However overall day by day and month after month we should aim to eat the same type of macronutrients that will build a strong immune system. There are 6 top immune system boosters.
Wellbeing & Fitness Writer.