Organisation And Behaviour
Organisation and behaviour effects variety of things including culture, structure as well as norms with in groups. How are we introduced to norms in life ?
There is a saying we are the most innocent when we are young because at this stage of our lives we are free from formalities, manipulation and norms. Once we learn the reason to conform or follow a communication protocol we analyze or rethink before we make action to ensure it fits with the environment, people and situation. This type of behavior becomes more obvious when we get older by adhering to organization and behavior stated through induction or company handbook. Delegation and position is corporate way of following and organization and its behavior. The philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) introduced Kantianism, which will be codes of conduct that will be applied to everyone that practiced universal moral judgment. Kantianism is the first insight into moral judgment for a child. For example when a child snatched a toy from another child or an adult jumps the queue everybody will agree this is morally wrong.
How we communicate to work colleagues can be determined by the organization structure. A tall organization may focus more on chain of command. Communication may not flow easy as it has many senior levels. Most organizations that have this structure also have Assistant Managers, Junior Managers, supervisors all of which promotes delegation and lack of opportunity for operational staff to make real change.
The next stage is the culture itself. When you work for an organization the rules and beliefs are set out in order for an employee to fit in an organization. Culture is introduced to the employee from the beginning of employment so the worker can quickly adapt to the job. There are five factors that effect development of culture.
- The important issues that leaders are interested in?
- The response from leaders when problems arise?
- How all the leaders behave e.g. emotion or reflective?
- How are rewards and status allocated ?
- The most important factor when recruiting, selecting and training employees?
The problems in sales and target environment are that all five factors can be linked to sales alone. Sales is the most important issue for leaders so any other problems arise regards to staff issues, holidays, workload and support can easily be looked as secondry by leaders. This may mean high sales performers can easily get preferential treatment. If you also work in a tall organization any problems will take slower to get a response and at times may be ignored. This is the most frustrating thing for any co-worker so how can you get any action? There are 3 main steps you that you can take to challenge organization and behavior.
Step 1
Line Managers would prefer to be the first point of call regarding working conditions, staff issues etc. You can raise these issues in your one to one meetings. Sometimes the most democratic way is to get all parties involved to discuss matters all together. However if line managers are reluctant to use company meetings as platform to give feedback then that may be were the issue is. Sometimes managers would prefer to sweep things under the carpet and focus there energy on profit , sales and things that will add revenue to the business. Soft skills at times is overlooked because at times managers not skilled to deal with it.
Step 2
In a narrow organization sometimes change can only occur when there’s support and when more staff come forward with similar issues it can make change. I have seen many changes happen this way. Managers may not feel very highly of this as it put them in pressure to react. Managers may even class it as negativity to reinforce guilt in staff member’s minds. Further more if you have followed step 1 and felt your feedback has not been taken seriously then its natural to take the next stage. In addition a employee who represses problems is not a happy worker. Furthermore communication, expression and constructive criticism should not be classed as negativity as everything you do based on facts and the end result will create equality and positivity. For you to hide it or ignore is classed as being a dishonest worker.
Step 3
The final solution is to get advice from the HR Department. The best way forward is to stress confidentiality and to document everything and then present the information to them.
For information on how to give out constructive criticism please see the article (How to give constructive criticism: 6 Helpful Tips)/
Wellbeing & Fitness Writer.