Leadership Style

 In Well Being


Is management more important then leadership ? or can one survive without the other. What leadership style does your manager adopt ?.

I look at management for the business and leadership for the people. Lack of leadership in an organization can affect staff retention, increased staff turnover and recruitment. Management is something you learn but certain leadership styles is something you’re born with. After working 14 years in construction and over 7 years in corporate life what I have learnt is the difference between a good and great manager depends on their leadership skills.

Management is getting things done. It involves planning, coordinating, logistics, communication and following a structure or system. Large corporate sales companies tend enforce more management then leadership due to sales targets and time constraints. In addition autonomy tends to go to management which means that operational staff is only left with commission based pay bonuses that is achieved through reaching monthly targets. Allot of corporate companies is based on power, position and rank so leadership style will reflect that.

Also the way senior staff approach workload and teamwork may depend on the organisation.

Delegation has always been a popular approach to decrease workload and pass over responsibility. However if job descriptions are not clear for subordinates or even senior staff then delegation can be taken advantage of. Delegation can be used as way not to take ownership if targets are not achieved.

Therefore the “you do, I watch” or “you do” does not go well in fast paced environment. The busier work environments require staff to get involved and adapt the “I do” and “We do” approach.


Ideas , innovation, challenge, autonomy or even open communication may not be practiced well in corporate culture. The management tends to be box standard and very policy focused. At times any feedback from operational level to senior management will be automatically looked as negative rather then positive ways to make changes. This is ultimately because managers may look at it as reflection of not doing their job well. This may lead to workers working in fear and in fear of displinary if they don’t fit the corporate culture.

Leadership is about inspiring others to do what we want others to do. Leaders motivate, solve problems and create excitement at work. Managers tend to maintain low level of emotional involvement. Therefore when leadership is practiced with large companies in retail, car rental, estate agency, and headhunters it tends to be more autocratic, strong management or persuasive style of leadership. Which means decisions or issues is dictated. Also Manager makes the final decision but tries motivating staff to carry out instructions with approval.

On the other hand smaller companies and fitness professionals may adopt a democratic leadership style. This is because smaller companies adapt to change. They also have wide span of control, which means there is less of hierarchy so decisions can be made easier from management to subordinates. Fitness professionals are there for the people, so strong interpersonal skills are essential. It’s also the interpersonal skills help you connect with people. It’s these skills that help you professionally and socially.


Now look at your organization and try to identify what leadership style your senior manager adopts ? Or do they synergize by thinking win win for both parties.


For further information about management and leadership visit mindtools.com

Here’s the top 10 differences between Managers and Leaders. 





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