Slim Pasta

 In Nutrition, Weight loss & Fat loss

Slim Pasta

Is slim pasta the new healthy alternative to reduce weight or is it chain of new fads like other products that promise you everything and deliver nothing. Please read on to find out more.

Food manufactures understand the need for consumers to find healthier alternatives and change in buying habits in order to help them with there weight loss diet. They also understand drastic changes in diet are difficult to maintain for long term. Therefore health stores provide an important choice for all consumers who are athletes, elderly or even the average person. Low in fat, low in calories and high in fibre is all the rage.

One new item that has gained attention to fat loss consumers is slim pasta. Traditional pasta is made from wheat and flour which tends to be low in fibre and high in calories. Slim pasta is made from a Asian vegetable called Konjac.  It’s water soluble which means it will not be stored in the body unlike trans fat.

In my opinion it is a step towards the right direction for fat loss. Some people may be more sensitive to carbohydrates then others therefore measures need to be made to adjust your diet accordingly. Switching from white rice to brown rice or whole wheat pasta may not be the answer for everyone. The solution for some diets is to discard bread and pasta out of your diet all together. This then limits you range in macronutrients. Further more what you cook with pasta also needs to be taken into account. Overall Konjac pasta can be a positive as 50% or more of pasta meal is pasta. So in traditional pasta you can easily exceed you calorie intake per meal. A small tip is to add some leafy vegetables to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals.




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