Trump derangement syndrome after assassination attempt

 In Fake News, News & Reviews, Trump derangement syndrome

Over the decades we have repeatly seen left wing lawyers, carrer politicians fight for the presidency or prime minister race. Many not adding any real change to the status qua but continue to let the machine take over. The machine being big pharma, big tech, mainstream media, open borders, high taxes and never ending wars.

Politics is no longer about common sense it’s about us and them. While Trump is giving policies the Democratic Party think identity politics or virtual signaling is what common people care about. People are smarter they can see through everything. I personally don’t care what race or gender a person is. I even don’t care if they are likeable as long as they are real and authentic. All I care about is having a strong leader and person who wants to put the country first. This is not happening in many western countries, Donald Trump and his team is the only alternative choice.

The new wave of politicians is making a difference. Nobody can deny everything was good under Donald Trump then world had to go under lockdown. I no longer have faith in politicians but I can listen to entrepreneur all day.


Most of the public can clearly see under Biden and Harris administration the economy has been at it’s worst. The border is completely open, more wars and no clear steps for diplomacy. Crime rates are at it’s highest with continue steps to defund the police stated by Fox news.

Kamala Harris continues to use the rhetoric that Trump is a threat to democracy. Who voted for Kamla Harris ?. Robert F Kennedy would have been Kamala rival but what happened to him ?.

Recently it has come to media’s attention that because Kennedy was voicing his concerns of the covid vaccine and questioning the support for Ukraine war. He felt he was pushed aside because it did not fit the narrative with Democratic Party. Mainstream news refused to interview him they inflated the story that his family thinks he is a nutter just to keep him silenced.

Countries where censorship is more prevalent you will not know that once Robert Kennedy left the Democratic party and joined an independent party he claimed on Fox news appearance August 2024 that the Biden administration changed the primary to make it more difficult to challenge Joe Biden. Also adopting new rules that any democratic candidate steps into new Hampshire all the votes go to Biden.

This is happening in his own party yet Biden continues to challenge why Trump did not accept the outcome of the last election. Only recently Biden pushed his party to ensure a new law allowed certain states to make it illegal to ask for ID when voting. Why wouldn’t anyone want to check authenticity of his or her voters? This only makes Trumps case strong in having any doubt in the last election. Robert Kennedy wants to focus on chronic disease and big pharma who has contributed a lot to this. He wants to target food manufactures that have helped to accelerate obesity to danger levels. The UK’s answer to obesity is to take obesity vaccines because to them big pharma knows best.

Biden refused to take any challenging questions from independent media and 99% of the time when he did talk it was with teleprompter or a script. This is why Kamala Harris or Joe Biden could never do a 3 hour Joe Rogan interview. They cannot think on there feet and not articulate enough to converse any subject with any degree of efficiency. They do 30 to 60 minutes interviews because that’s enough to memorise a script.

A similar story to Robert Kennedy was with Tulsi Gabbard who has been part of the Democratic party since 2002. She ran for the Democratic presidential race and brought common sense to the debate. She easily won debates against Kamala Harris because she was speaking with facts, she is very knowledgeable and called out her wrongs when Kamala refused to take any accountability. I’m still confused why Biden did not choose Tulsi Gabbard as the Vice President. Maybe they needed a puppet instead. Biden has also been criticized for being a puppet and people believe possibly Obama or Hillary is pulling his strings.

According to 2024, Tulsi Gabbard, For Love of country she stated “The Democrat elite are using the power of the law enforcement to target political or personal opponents, undermining the essence of the rule of law and exposing their contempt for the American people and our democracy”.

Tulsi brought to the public attention at Fox news interview on 10th August 2024 that she has been put as domestic terrorist watch list for whistleblowing on the Biden & Harris administration.

Donald Trump was accused of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Years later this was discovered to be a lie. Fast forward 2024 world wide public are questioning how Biden a weak president who said he will not build any more border wall became president in the first place. Trump was accused of electoral interference in 2016 but lets define what this is? Does it mean using a false narrative by using identity politics instead of policies? Does it mean having full back up from all mainstream news channels which amplify the Democratic Party. We all know mainstream media supported by big tech and big pharma.

Does it also mean trying to weaponize the justice system to silence your political opponents? The democrats have been accused of the above and recently stooped the lowest of the low by pushing not to show voter ID isn’t that electoral interference. Recently it was discovered big tech was big part of influencing people to vote for the Democratic Party. Facebook founder admitted openly this was the case. Yet over and over again Trump is accused for being the threat to democracy and not accepting outcome of the last presidential result.

Alexa was programmed to tell people Harris would be better candidate then Trump. 1 week before election day the newswatch16 WNEP showed results as Harris winning. They apologized and said it was a test result. Why did they have to give a test result?. Are they trying to put subliminal messages into people mind that Harris will win so don’t bother voting for Trump. Even Jimmy Kimmel tells Trump voters to vote late or on the wrong day. This is from the same ABC channel that commissioned the debate between Trump and Harris. It was later discovered that the channel had close ties with Kamala Harris husband. During the debate they only fact checked Trump not Harris even though the fact checkers needed to be fact checked.

Every time Kamla Harris goes on a interview  she would give a list of demands otherwise it’s full of word salads with no substance.

On the other hand Trump is willing to go on any interview left or right and every time he is able to show leadership by debugging every fake rumour with clarity and still explain to the public how he will deliver his policies in detail. The hoax lie that the project 2025 is connected to Trump when Trump made it clear he doesn’t know what it is. Yet Biden and Kamala continue to push the narrative that this document is connected with Trump and will ruin the country. A big threat is not having policies and telling voters to go on Kamala website to read them.

Democratic rally was based on telling people Trump is fascist, Trump is racist and Trump is a dictator yet when you ask for evidence they have nothing. The biggest threat to democracy is Trump deranged syndrome.

It’s clear to say now that there is a toxic narrative towards the republic party. Many of the Trumps deranged haters like Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Alec Baldwin, Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Kimmel were friends with Trump but when he decided to enter politics and joined the republic party he lost many of the Hollywood elite. In many peoples eyes he can never do anything right but Kamala Harris can take a pass for achieving nothing as vice president.

The new reporters for mainstream news channels get paid 50 – 100k per show to promote democratic party. They do this by gas lighting the viewers and manipulating footage to make Trump look as the villain. The recent evidence to prove this is the Liz Cheney Lie which all mainstream completely hijacked and made into a grose twisted inaccurate story of what really happened.

Trump had interview with Tucker Carlson at campaign event where he said Liz Cheny is very pro war and always wanted to go into war like her father. He stressed on the dangers of being pro war with the amount innocent people dying and destruction of the country including mass financial strain it has for each country involved. Trump said how would Liz Cheney feel being in line of fire with a riffle and facing six barrels facing her. This was then changed by mainstream media as Trump giving violent rhetoric towards congress lady Liz Cheney to be fired upon.

Few days earlier there was another similar fake story that Trump said he would enforce abortion ban whether women like it or not but again that was not what he said. Trump was told by advisor not to say “protect women” as it comes across as sexist. He then told his advisors he would protect women from crime from sexual predators and wars whether they like it or not.

What the media is doing is disgraceful and some may argue election interference. On the other hand Biden called Trump supporters Garbage alienating half of the American population. Trump said how can we have him as a president if he doesn’t like the American people. Megyn Kelly reported that Bidens transcript was checked and then tampered with to make him look like he did not say it.

Biden and Harris in the same time tells the voters they are not the one creating divisions or spreading hate. Majority of Kamala Harris campaign is based on Trump is bad giving scripted word salads with no policies and not taking any accountability of what has gone wrong in the last three years. She made vote on crime bill so people who steal up $1,000 get punished but worrying thing is Kamala Harris even then refused to say which side she voted.

While Biden was on endless beach breaks during his presidency vice president was nowhere to be seen. The spotlight still managed to be on Trump by the endless charges against him but the machine being mainstream media never seem to be interested in covering the lack of leadership in the economy, border, crime and world piece. Trump creates huge ratings on every channel he goes to because with him what you see is what you get. He is same Donald Trump now then the Donald Trump in the 1980’s. He is genuine and he’s not doing it for the money he joined politics because he cares for the future of the country. There’s no hidden agenda with him.

Democratic party has thrown everything they can at Donald Trump. They have tried to ban him, censor him, gag him, arrest him, indict him, impeach him and tried to throw him in prison for a long time by illegal law fare. On top of all of that he has two assignation attempts on his life and he has only become stronger person. He is the only person to create dialogue with world dictators. He is proven that he is the strongest worldwide leader.

4 weeks after Trumps 2nd assassination attempt Kamala Harris was calling Donald Trump Dangerous. Recently Biden said that Donald Trump should be locked up then tried to correct himself by saying “I meant politically”. Barrack Obama was more concerned with identity politics and being disappointed with not enough black men supporting Kamala Harris.This is the same guy who went to John Lewis funeral in August 2020 to give an eulogy but used the moment as a Joe Biden rally  to talk about Voter ID not being democratic.

When you vote for Trump your on the side of real leaders who care about putting the country first, with the likes of Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, Dana White, Megyn Kelly, Joe Rogan, and Tulsi Gabbbard. The Democratic Party say they want to restore democracy but yet they want to censor the Internet so we don’t get to hear the other side. The progressive left have already got 100% full back up from the mainstream media. To them Trump is the Dictator but you just need to switch it back on them. What has Kamala Harris or Joe Biden done for the country? Why can’t they talk about policies? What have they done in last three years while in power? Is Joe Biden or Kamala Harris strong enough to speak to world leaders and dictators face to face?. How much money has American given to Ukraine to date?. Why was the border left wide open? Why is the cost of living and crimes rates out of control?.

Obama , Biden and Kamala Harris speeches are just sound bites. There motivational speeches are long vague  with no substance or policies. We also don’t need A list celebrities to tell us who to vote for.

The supporters of the Democratic Party are the elite who are out of touch and have no connection with the working class. These are people who live in there own bubble who only surround themselves with people who think or say the same things as them selves. All Trump is doing is putting the country first and putting some common sense back into politics as for decades politics has become toxic and corrupted.

This should not be close race anyone with two brain cells should know it is Donald Trump who will put the country first but it wont stop the machine twist their stories each and every day.

Trump should win convincingly otherwise America is doomed and the Holllywood elite have different priorities to the common people.


The Hill. August 8th 2024, Harris was the border Czar. Democrats and media can’t erase that., March 15th 2024, Biden pushing to erase Voter ID requirements., Sept 30th, 2024, Gavin Newsom Bans California from requiring ID to vote. , April 28th 2022, US left behind $7 billion of military equipment in Afghanistan after 2021 withdrawal., June 13th 2024, Biden, Zelenskyy sighn 10 year bilateral security agreement., April 30th 2021, Biden stopped building Trumps wall. Here what it looks like now.

BBC News,  8th December 2023, Hunter Biden: The legal troubles of the presidents son. 

BBC News, 8th February 2024, No charge for Biden over classified documents but report questions memory.  

NBC news, June 17th 2024, Biden announces new policy shielding undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation.

Mail online, 11th June 2024, Nancy Pelosi admits She “takes responsibility” for National Guard not being deployed on January 6th.

Fox News , August 31st 2024, Pelosi praises CA bill giving illegal migrants money to homes.

The Telegraph, 21st October 2024, CBS admits editing 60 Minutes Kamala Harris interview to make her answer ‘more succinct’.

CNBC , 14th Nov 2024, Trump picks vaccine skeptic RFK Jr. for Health and Human Services secretary.

BBC News , 15th Nov 2024, Trump picks vaccine skeptic RFK Jr. for Health and Human Services secretary.

BBC News, 15th Oct 2024, Unemployed could get weight loss jabs to return to work.


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